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3d-dna website  

This code is designed to enable anyone to reproduce the Hs2-HiC and the AaegL4 genomes reported in: Dudchenko et al., De novo assembly of the Aedes aegypti genome using Hi-C yields chromosome-length scaffolds. Science, 2017.

Environment Modules

Run module spider 3d-dna to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

System Variables

  • HPC_3D-DNA_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_3D-DNA_BIN - executable directory


If you publish research that uses 3d-dna you have to cite it as follows:

Dudchenko, O., Batra, S.S., Omer, A.D., Nyquist, S.K., Hoeger, M., Durand, N.C., Shamim, M.S., Machol, I., Lander, E.S., Aiden, A.P., et al. (2017). De novo assembly of the Aedes aegypti genome using Hi-C yields chromosome-length scaffolds. Science eaal3327. Published online ahead of print on March 23, 2017.